St. John's Lodge #115, F&AM
Philadelphia, PA

Holiday Party Change!

As a result of feedback from several of our members, the start time of the Holiday Party and Auction has been moved back from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.  There is no change in the ending time, 9:00 PM.

Lodge Payments

All Lodge payments can now be made on our Dues and Payments page.  Watch for new features including Lodge-logo items in the coming months.


Dues bills went out with the October Trestleboard; call or email the Secretary if you've misplaced yours ($100 for most members).  50-year members do not receive a bill as their dues are remittedNote that dues are payable on or before December 31st, according to the Ahiman Rezon.  If for any reason you have difficulty paying your dues, contact the Secretary or Treasurer to discuss options in complete confidence.  You may also pay with a credit or debit card via PayPal, on our Dues page.

Dues Cards will be mailed to all paid members along with the January Trestleboard.  Expect it in the mail right around January 1.